Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Betta fish is pale and unresponsive?

Brought him home about a month ago, first time with a Betta fish, or any fish for that matter. He was sick about 2 weeks ago because I was using tap water, I quickly went out and bought a water conditioner, but now he's having similar non-responsive symptoms; he is lying on the bottom of the tank, rarely being active and only going up for air, he is not eating, just spitting the pellets out, and this is what worries me most...he's very pale. He's usually a dark purple and light pink body but now hes almost orange and the purple is looking translucent. I did a water change today, and i'm going to fast him tomorrow and maybe the next day to make sure it's not constipation or swim bladder. (he's not swimming sideways yet..) I don't have a heater because our house is quite warm, but i've been doing water cycling today (taking out 2 cups of the water and replacing it with new hot conditioned water to raise the temperature a bit) The warm water seemed to help his activity but it does not explain the paleness and the lack of eating.. Can anyone throw perspective to this? (also his gills seem slightly swollen from the last ammonia shock...I really am trying to take good care of this fish.. I just need a little help getting started guys.. I love my fish. His name is Alby, (Albus actually but I prefer his nickname Alby) Help me keep my fish healthy?

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